Journal Policies
Open Access Policy
This journal adheres to the best practice and high publishing standards and complies with the following conditions:
- Provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge;
- Allows the author to hold the copyright and to retain publishing right without restrictions;
- Deposits content with a long-term digital preservation or archiving program;
- Uses DOIs as permanent identifiers;
- Embeds machine-readable CC licensing information in articles;
- Allows generous reuse and mixing of content, in accordance with CC BY-NC license;
- Can Provide Provide article-level metadata for any indexers and aggregators
- Has a deposit policy registered with a deposit policy registry, e.g. Sherpa/Romeo.
Repository Policy
JoCATiA allows all versions to be deposited in an institutional or other repository of the author’s choice without embargo.
Achiving Policy
JoCATiA is currently archived with the Public Knowledge Project Preservation Network (PKP PN).