About the Journal
Aim and Scope
Journal of Computer Adaptive Testing in Africa (JoCATiA) is the official journal of the Association of Computer Adaptive Testing in Africa (ACATA); a peer-reviewed electronic journal designed to advance the science and practice of computerised adaptive testing (CAT) aimed at advancing the frontiers of computerised testing in Africa to the second generation of computer-based assessment and beyond.
To achieve this aim, JoCATiA publishes three types of manuscripts:
Simulation research reports (with empirical evidence) and integrative critical reviews/opinion papers on learning and assessment issues directly related to CAT. Below are some of the relevant focal areas:
- item banking for CAT;
- item selection algorithms for CAT;
- security algorithms for CAT;
- administrative technology of adaptive testing;
- multistage designs for CAT;
- examinee reactions to CAT;
- DIF in CAT;
- validity studies for CAT; and
- IRT-based psychometrics models for CAT
Applications and implementations of CAT (projects). These articles include, but are not limited to, a detailed description of deployed solutions for CAT in the area of learning and assessment and patient options for authors.
Educational technology management and integration for CAT. These articles include, but are not limited to, research on the technology of adaptive testing in any of the focal areas listed above.
Other test theories. These articles include, but are not limited to, research on classical test theory (CCT) and generalisability theory (GT), among others.