Exploring the Use of Blended Assessment in Evaluating Undergraduates’ Learning Performance


  • Idris JIMOH University of Ilorin
  • Rashidat Omotayo Abdulsalam-NUHU University of Abuja, Abuja Nigeria
  • Josephine Nkechinyere Ipem Federal University of Education, Alvan Ikoku, Owerri, Nigeria




blended assessment, evaluating, exploring, learning performance, undergraduates


Assessment is one of the processes for data gathering from the students in respect their talents, knowledge, skills, and other relevant attributes that can be of use for decisions-making regarding their academic advancement. The study was on the use of blended assessment in managing undergraduate learning outcomes. The study's research design was repeated measure. The population was 45,407 undergraduates in 15 faculties as the intended audience was 10,908 in the educational faculty. The sample size was 2,740 undergraduates in 200 level. The blended assessment focused on face-to-face, Google Classroom, online assignment; PPT, and CBT. Multiple-choice items were used and psychometric properties such as content validity and internal consistency of reliability were affirmed. A one-way ANOVA was employed in hypothesis tested and the finding revealed that Google Classroom has preference over other assessment techniques. It was concluded that blended assessment is an effective assessment tool especially in large class. It was recommended among others that Nigerian universities need to implement blended assessment, which necessitates a reliable, affordable Wi-Fi network for effective internet access and digital interaction.


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How to Cite

JIMOH, I., Abdulsalam-NUHU, R. O., & Ipem, J. N. (2024). Exploring the Use of Blended Assessment in Evaluating Undergraduates’ Learning Performance. Journal of Computer Adaptive Testing in Africa, 3, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.71291/jocatia.v3i.27



Computerised Educational Assessments (General)